
All the latest news, tips, courses from the Positive Dog Training Academy

Adult Dog and Puppy Interactions

Adult Dog and Puppy Interactions

Puppies first start to learn about the world through their interactions with other dogs.  Initially, this is via their littermates and mother, and later, through their experiences with other dogs in their household, or ones they encounter out and about.

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What Is Positive Reinforcement Training?

What Is Positive Reinforcement Training?

Positive reinforcement training methods are the most ethical and effective way to train your puppy or dog. The idea is to focus on the things that you would like to see more of (desirable behaviours) and reward your dog for showing them. You can use treats, toys,...

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Loose Lead Training

Loose Lead Training

Does your dog pull on the lead? Imagine going out for a walk and enjoying your dog being on the lead. Putting some time and effort into loose lead training, will stop your dog pulling on the lead, making it a far more enjoyable experience for both of you. You can...

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